265.320. Certain operations exempted.
Certain operations exempted.
265.320. 1. The director shall exempt from the provisionsof sections 265.300 to 265.470, the operation of any person ifand to the extent the operation would be exempt from thecorresponding requirements under the Federal Meat Inspection Actor the Federal Poultry Products Inspection Act if the operationwere conducted in or for interstate commerce or the state weredesignated under either federal act as one in which the federalrequirements apply to intrastate commerce.
2. Persons granted exemption by this section shall besubject to periodic reviews. The director may, after givingreasonable notice, withdraw the exemption for any change in theconditions under which the exemption was granted. Any personaggrieved by the director's action may, within thirty days afterreceipt of notice, appeal as provided by chapter 536, RSMo.
(L. 1967 p. 371 § 13, A.L. 1971 S.B. 39)