265.286. Label to include country of origin.
Label to include country of origin.
265.286. On each quarter, half or whole carcass of imported freshmeat offered for sale at wholesale or retail, and also on any individuallywrapped or packaged cut or portion thereof, there shall either be placed alabel or brand clearly indicating the country of origin of the meat or aconspicuous, legible and clearly visible sign indicating the country oforigin of the meat. Where unwrapped or unpackaged cuts or slices aredisplayed in a tray or case for selection by the patron, each tray or caseshall have a conspicuous, legible and clearly visible sign or labelindicating the country of origin. Every tray or other container ofhamburger, ground meat, sausage, or other fresh meat displayed in the bulkshall have a sign or label conforming to the same requirements. All signsrequired by this section* shall be placed to clearly indicate for whichcuts of meat or trays of meat such sign is intended.
(L. 1999 S.B. 310 § 9)*Word "subsection" appears in original rolls.