264.061. Movement permit required, when--form--issuance--fee--verbal authorization.
Movement permit required, when--form--issuance--fee--verbalauthorization.
264.061. 1. It is unlawful to move, carry, transport orship bees, combs or used beekeeping equipment into the state ofMissouri unless accompanied by a valid permit issued by thedirector of the department of agriculture. Applications forpermit to transport bees or used beekeeping equipment into thestate shall be submitted on a form approved by the director.This application form must be accompanied by a certificate ofhealth, issued by the authorized official of the state from whichthe bees are to be moved, certifying that the bees and usedbeekeeping equipment have been inspected by an approvedinspector, during a period of active brood rearing, within ninetydays prior to the proposed date of movement, and that such beesand used beekeeping equipment were found apparently free from anydiseases or pests. Each application shall disclose the number ofcolonies of bees to be transported and a description of thelocation or locations where said bees are to be kept. Uponreceipt of an application for a permit to move bees or usedbeekeeping equipment into the state, accompanied by a propercertificate of health and an application fee of five dollars perapplication, the director shall issue the desired permit. Thisshall not apply to honey bees from quarantined areas outside thestate of Missouri. These quarantines shall include all federal,state or Missouri exterior quarantines. Importation of honeybees from quarantined areas shall be in accordance with the rulesmade pursuant to this chapter.
2. Regardless of the above provisions of this section, thedirector shall have the authority to issue a permit withoutinspection to the person or persons owning such bees andequipment if he is satisfied that such bees and equipment werecertified and moved from the state of Missouri within ninety daysprior to the desired date of reentry and have not been exposed todiseased or pest infected bees or equipment.
3. A verbal authorization may be allowed by the Missouridirector if the written permit outlined above has been requestedbut has not been received by the time that the bees are to bemoved.
4. Combless packages of bees or queens, or both, areadmitted into Missouri, without a Missouri permit, whenaccompanied by a valid certificate of inspection from the stateof origin stating they are free of diseases and pests. Thisshall not apply to honey bees from quarantined areas outside thestate of Missouri. These quarantines shall include all federal,state or Missouri exterior quarantines. Importation of honeybees from quarantined areas shall be in accordance with the rulesmade pursuant to this chapter.
(L. 1978 S.B. 683 § 6, A.L. 1985 H.B. 180, A.L. 1989 H.B. 134)