264.051. Certificates of health, expiration--quarantine--eradication.
Certificates of health, expiration--quarantine--eradication.
264.051. 1. If, by reason of any owner-requestedinspection, the director is satisfied that no apparent disease orpest exists in any colony in an apiary, he shall issue to theowner thereof a certificate of health setting out therein thedate of the inspection, the number of colonies therein and theresults of the inspection. This certificate shall expire ninetydays after the inspection.
2. If, by reason of any inspection, the director issatisfied of the existence of any disease or pest, he shallnotify the beekeeper owning the apiary, in writing, of theresults of the inspection, setting out the number and location ofinfected colonies and informing him of the proper methods oftreating the infected colonies. Any apiary infected with anycontagious or infectious bee disease or pest may be declaredunder quarantine and the owner thereof shall be prohibited frommoving such apiary, bees, honey, wax or used beekeepingequipment. The owner shall thereafter eliminate the diseased orpest infested condition within the apiary or equipment, or both,to the satisfaction of the director. The quarantine will then belifted. If, by the time of the next inspection, which will be nomore than one year after the initial inspection, the diseased orpest infested condition has not been eliminated, the directorshall supervise the eradication of the diseased or pest infestedbees and equipment, or shall otherwise eliminate the diseased orpest infested condition and lift the quarantine on any remainingbees.
(L. 1978 S.B. 683 § 5, A.L. 1985 H.B. 180)