264.041. Inspections, fee--notice--entry--specialized examinations by department of agriculture.
Inspections, fee--notice--entry--specialized examinations bydepartment of agriculture.
264.041. 1. Inspection of bees for bee diseases or pestsshall be made by the director or an authorized inspector upon therequest of any beekeeper, directed to the office of the director,for inspection of bees owned or managed by that beekeeper. A feeshall be charged which is sufficient to cover the cost of theinspection plus the mileage of the inspector at the rate thenauthorized by the commissioner of administration forreimbursement of expenses of state employees. Fees shall be paidby the owner of the bees at the time of inspection and are notcontingent upon certification.
2. The director, by request or suspicion of disease orpests, may inspect or cause to be inspected any apiary or hive.For purposes of inspection, and only when the director hasprobable cause to believe that the bees of the owner to beinspected are diseased or infested with pests, the director orany authorized inspector shall, after written notice to the ownerstating the reasons for such inspection, have free access to allapiaries, buildings or places where bees or beekeeping equipmentare kept or stored, and shall have authority to open and examineall beekeeping equipment wherein such bees or honey are kept andstored. Once written notice of inspection has been given to anowner as provided in this subsection, that owner shall not moveany hive or hives or bees or bee equipment from the time hereceives such notice until either thirty days thereafter or untilthe time he receives the results of the inspection, whicheveroccurs first. Any bees kept in anything other than a hive withremovable frames such as box hives or other receptacles, naturalor artificial, shall be deemed impossible to properly inspect,unless owner of said bees removes the brood or makes accessiblefor the director or his inspectors to inspect such brood. If theowner refuses or fails to remove the brood or make it accessiblefor inspection by the director or his inspectors, the directormay order the colonies to be transferred to removable frame hiveswithin six months. In the event the order is not carried out,the colonies in other than removable frame hives may be destroyedby the director or his inspectors. No fee will be charged fornonrequested inspection and no certificate will be issued forthis type of inspection.
3. Persons desiring to have specialized examinationsconducted by the Missouri department of agriculture to determinefreedom from diseases or pests may be charged a fee sufficient tocover the cost of such examination.
4. The director, by request or suspicion of the existence ofthe pest Apis mellifera scutellata (Africanized bee), may inspector cause to be inspected any property after written notice issent to the property owner. Any bees found to be Africanizedbees may be exterminated.
(L. 1978 S.B. 683 § 4, A.L. 1985 H.B. 180, A.L. 1989 H.B. 134)