264.021. Definitions.
264.021. As used in sections 264.011 to 264.101, unless thecontext clearly requires otherwise, the following terms mean:
(1) "Apiary", any place or location where one or morecolonies or nuclei of bees are kept;
(2) "Authorized official", the state official authorized toinspect apiaries in the state of origin of bees being transportedinto the state of Missouri;
(3) "Beekeeper", any individual, person, firm, associationor corporation owning, possessing or controlling one or morecolonies of bees for the production of honey, beeswax orby-products thereof, or for the pollination of crops for eitherpersonal or commercial use;
(4) "Beekeeping equipment", all hives, supers, frames orother devices used in the rearing or manipulation of bees, theirbrood, honey or containers thereof which may be or may have beenused in any apiary;
(5) "Bees", any stage of the common honey bee, Apismellifera, or other bees kept for the production of honey or waxor existing in the wild or feral state;
(6) "Colony", the bees inhabiting a single hive, nuclei boxor other dwelling place;
(7) "Director", the director of the state department ofagriculture;
(8) "Disease", American or European foulbrood and any otherinfectious, contagious or communicable disease affecting bees ortheir brood;
(9) "Eradicate", the complete destruction of infected orundesirable bees and equipment by burning or treatment approvedby the state entomologist;
(10) "Extermination", the complete destruction of beecolonies;
(11) "Hive", any domicile with removable frames for keepingbees;
(12) "Inspector", a person appointed by the director tocheck for diseased conditions or pest infestations in one or moreapiaries or bees in the wild or feral state as authorized by thischapter;
(13) "Pests", the honey bee mite, Acarapis woodi; the varroamite, Varroa jacobsoni; the Africanized honey bee, Apis melliferascutellata; and any other arthropod pest detrimental to honeybees.
(L. 1978 S.B. 683 § 2, A.L. 1985 H.B. 180, A.L. 1989 H.B. 134)