263.462. Tax may be assessed by county commission, township board and special road district--transportation department property, costs--county commission may share costs with landowners.
Tax may be assessed by county commission, township board and specialroad district--transportation department property, costs--countycommission may share costs with landowners.
263.462. The county commission, township board and specialroad district of any county declared a noxious weed control area,in addition to any and all taxing powers which it may possess,may levy upon all property subject to its authority a tax in anamount not to exceed fifteen cents on each one hundred dollarsassessed valuation, for the purpose of paying the expenses of thecounty weed control board or the agent of the board in making theinspection required under the provisions of section 263.456, andfor the expense of controlling noxious weeds on county roads,rights-of-way, and at other places where noxious weeds may befound. All of the cost of control of noxious weeds on all landsand highways owned or supervised by the department of transportationshall be paid by the department of transportation out of fundsappropriated for its use, and the county commission may sharecosts pursuant to contract with the landowners of property wherenoxious weeds may be found.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1199 § 7)