262.805. Notice of agricultural zoning presumed, when--uses of agricultural land--hazards contained on agricultural land.
Notice of agricultural zoning presumed, when--uses of agriculturalland--hazards contained on agricultural land.
262.805. Purchasers of real property within one mile of areas zonedfor agriculture or used for farming purposes as defined by the farmlandprotection act contained in sections 262.800 to 262.810 shall be presumedto have notice of such agriculture zoning or use for farming purposes.Agricultural zoned land or land used for farming purposes may be used forcommercial or hobby operations that may include but are* not limited to thefollowing: breeding and rearing of livestock, weaning and treating oflivestock, raising and harvesting of crops, application of fertilizers andpesticides, dust, noise, odors, gunfire, burning, extended hours ofoperation, seasonal operations, timber operations, cultivated and idleland. Agriculture operations typically consist of open and timbered spacesthat are private property and are not open to the public or to publicaccess. Agriculture operations contain many hazards, including but notlimited to, open water (including ponds, streams, ditches), open pits,brush, brush piles, snakes, untamed and unpredictable animals, electric andbarbed fences, storage building and structure, tractors and equipment, andhidden obstacles. Children and adults are not permitted to roam, play ortrespass on farm or agriculture property. These activities and conditionsmay already be regulated by state, federal or local law and nothing hereinis meant to exempt such property from any such laws or regulations but issimply notification to purchasers that living in a rural environment doesnot mean you will live in an environment free of conditions you findirritating, dangerous, or unpleasant.
(L. 2001 S.B. 462)*Word "is" appears in original rolls.