262.597. Financial budget for extension programs--appropriations from counties.
Financial budget for extension programs--appropriations fromcounties.
262.597. The council, in cooperation with the countycommission and the university, shall prepare an annual financialbudget covering the county's share of the cost of carrying on theextension services contemplated by sections 262.550 to 262.620which shall be filed with the county commission on or beforeJanuary first each year and the county commission shall includethe budget so filed in class four of the budget of countyexpenditures for such year in counties budgeting countyexpenditures by classes, and in the budget document of all othercounties, subject to the following minimum appropriations:
(1) In counties with an assessed valuation of seventymillion dollars or more, ten thousand dollars;
(2) In counties with an assessed valuation of twenty-fivemillion dollars or more, but less than seventy million dollars,five thousand dollars;
(3) In counties with an assessed valuation of fifteenmillion dollars or more, but less than twenty-five milliondollars, four thousand dollars;
(4) In counties with an assessed valuation of ten milliondollars or more, but less than fifteen million dollars, twothousand five hundred dollars;
(5) In counties with an assessed valuation of eight milliondollars or more, but less than ten million dollars, one thousandfive hundred dollars;
(6) In counties with an assessed valuation below eightmillion dollars, one thousand two hundred dollars.
(L. 1961 p. 7 § 15)