262.350. Appropriation of money by county commission.
Appropriation of money by county commission.
262.350. The county commission of any county may, if it bedeemed expedient, appropriate out of the county treasury for thebenefit of any society regularly organized as a countyagricultural and mechanical society, county fair, county corngrowers' association, county poultry association, county stockgrowers' association or any other organization or incorporatedsociety having for its object the holding of county fairs or theadvancement of agriculture or its allied industries, a sum notexceeding three hundred dollars in any one year. The money soappropriated shall be drawn by the treasurer of the society onproper warrant; provided said money shall be awarded by the boardof directors or other proper officials in premiums or expended bythem in the purchase of premiums, to be known as "The ..........County Commission Premiums" to be awarded according to the rules,regulations and bylaws of the society; provided further, that inall counties in this state of the first class, and all countiesof the second class the county commission of such county may, ifit be deemed expedient, appropriate out of the surplus remainingin the county treasury, for the benefit of any such society, asum not exceeding ten thousand dollars to be used as in thissection above set out, or in any other manner that said board ofdirectors may deem best.
(RSMo 1939 § 14167, A.L. 1943 p. 318, A.L. 1945 p. 99, A.L. 1963 p. 400)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12490; 1919 § 12059; 1909 § 691