262.200. State poultry experiment station--location--functions.
State poultry experiment station--location--functions.
262.200. 1. In order to determine and demonstrate theimportance of improved and better methods of feeding, housing,incubation, brooding, breeding and rearing of poultry, and tobring the results of scientific research of state and federalexperiment stations within the reach of all farmers and poultryraisers of Missouri, the state poultry board shall establish,conduct and maintain a state poultry experiment station. Theobjects and purposes of said experiment station shall be toexperiment with the different kinds of houses, incubators,brooders, and appliances, and the different varieties of poultry,to determine which are best adapted to the farmers and poultryraisers of Missouri, in the different sections thereof, to make astudy of different diseases to which poultry is subject, and theremedies to prevent such diseases and to make all otherexperiments and tests and do any and all other things which shalltend to the betterment of the poultry interests of the state.
2. Said experiment station shall be located on twenty-fiveacres of the land now occupied and used by the state fruitexperiment station at Mountain Grove and on land adjacent theretoor in the vicinity thereto. After the manager or trustees ofsaid fruit experiment station have selected and set aside thetwenty-five acres of land they desire to have used for the statepoultry experiment station, then the state poultry board are tohave absolute control of said twenty-five acres of land, thepoultry buildings, and the poultry experiments to be conducted onsaid land. Experiments and demonstrations herein provided forshall be conducted by and under the direction of the secretary ofthe state poultry board, which said board shall maintain itsoffice and headquarters at said experiment station.
3. Said board shall employ such additional help as is neededto insure the success of the experiment station and to make itbeneficial to the people of the state. The members of the statepoultry board and the secretary of the board shall erect suchbuildings and conduct such experiments as the appropriations forthat purpose will permit and which they believe will be mostpractical and helpful to the farmers and poultry raisers ofMissouri.
4. Upon the request of the superintendent or steward of anystate institution, it shall be the duty of the secretary of thestate poultry board, by personal visit, bulletins and otherwise,to give information to the persons in charge of the poultrydepartments of the farms, conducted in connection with thedifferent state institutions of this state, of such experimentsas he may have conducted and such other information which hethinks would be to the interest of such departments. And itshall also be the duty of all such persons as may be in charge ofsuch poultry departments at said institutions to make allexperiments possible, not inconsistent with their other duties,and to report the same to said secretary of the state poultryboard.
5. It shall be the duty of said secretary, so far aspossible, to verify such experiments and results and to embodysuch of them as he deems advisable and of public interest in hisannual reports, bulletins and publications. The state poultryboard shall print an annual report and shall carefully digest andcompile the results obtained as a result of experiments conductedat this station and publish the same from time to time in theirreports and in bulletin form in language as free fromtechnicalities as possible, for free distribution to the farmersof the state, to the public libraries, to the governor, and themembers of the general assembly, and elsewhere as the judgment ofthe board may direct.
6. The state poultry board may sell such surplus poultry andeggs as may accumulate, and shall charge such prices for the sameas in their judgment is reasonable and moderate, and there isalso hereby appropriated such sums as may result from the sale ofsuch surplus products, the same to be used by said board inequipment or maintenance of the poultry experiment station and tobe accounted for by them in their annual report.
(RSMo 1939 § 14153)Prior revision: 1929 § 12469
*All the powers, duties, functions and properties of the state poultry experiment station were transferred, by type I transfer, to the University of Missouri by the Reorganization Act of 1974. The state poultry association and the state poultry board were abolished. The Reorganization Act also provides that in the event the university shall cease to use the real estate of the station for the purposes of research or shall declare the same surplus, all real estate shall revert to the governor of the state and shall not be disposed of without legislative approval. See Appendix B, RSMo 1978 and section 173.005, RSMo 1986.