262.020. Members--organization--order of business.
Members--organization--order of business.
262.020. 1. The Missouri state horticultural society shallbe composed of such persons as take an interest in theadvancement of horticulture in this state who shall apply formembership and pay into the society treasury the sum of onedollar per year, or ten dollars for a life membership, the basisfor organization to be the Missouri state horticultural society,as now known and existing, and whose expenses have been borne andannual reports paid for by appropriations from the statetreasury.
2. The business of the society, so far as it relates totransactions with the state, shall be conducted by an executiveboard to be composed of the president, vice president, secondvice president, secretary and treasurer, who shall be elected byballot at an annual meeting of the society; the governor of thestate shall be ex officio a member of the board; all otherbusiness of the society to be conducted as its bylaws may direct.
3. All appropriations made by the state for the aid of thesociety shall be expended by means of requisitions to be made byorder of the board on the commissioner of administration, signedby the president and secretary and attested with the seal; andthe treasurer shall annually publish a detailed statement of theexpenditures of the board, covering all moneys received by it.
4. There shall be printed annually, under the direction ofthe board, such number of reports of the proceedings of theboard, society and auxiliary societies as may, in the judgment ofthe state purchasing agent, be justified by the appropriationmade for that purpose by the general assembly, such annual reportnot to contain more than four hundred pages.
5. The secretary of the society shall receive a salary ofeight hundred dollars per annum as full compensation for hisservices; all other officers shall serve without compensation,except that they may receive their actual expenses in attendingmeetings of the board.
(RSMo 1939 § 14033, A. 1949 S.B. 1091)Prior revisions: 1929 § 12366; 1919 § 11954; 1909 § 615