260.005. Definitions.
260.005. As used in sections 260.005 to 260.125, thefollowing words and terms mean:
(1) "Authority", the state environmental improvement andenergy resources authority created by sections 260.005 to260.125;
(2) "Bonds", bonds issued by the authority pursuant to theprovisions of sections 260.005 to 260.125;
(3) "Cost", the expense of the acquisition of land,rights-of-way, easements and other interests in real property andthe expense of acquiring or constructing buildings, improvements,machinery and equipment relating to any project, including thecost of demolishing or removing any existing structures, interestduring the construction of any project and engineering, research,legal, consulting and other expenses necessary or incident todetermining the feasibility or practicability of any project andcarrying out the same, all of which are to be paid out of theproceeds of the bonds or notes authorized by sections 260.005 to260.125;
(4) "Disposal of solid waste or sewage", the entire processof storage, collection, transportation, processing and disposalof solid wastes or sewage;
(5) "Energy conservation", the reduction of energyconsumption;
(6) "Energy efficiency", the increased productivity oreffectiveness of energy resources use, the reduction of energyconsumption, or the use of renewable energy sources;
(7) "Notes", notes issued by the authority pursuant tosections 260.005 to 260.125;
(8) "Pollution", the placing of any noxious substance inthe air or waters or on the lands of this state in sufficientquantity and of such amounts, characteristics and duration as toinjure or harm the public health or welfare or animal life orproperty;
(9) "Project", any facility, including land, disposalareas, incinerators, buildings, fixtures, machinery, equipment,and devices or modifications to a building or facility, acquiredor constructed, or to be acquired or constructed for the purposeof developing energy resources or preventing or reducingpollution or the disposal of solid waste or sewage or providingwater facilities or resource recovery facilities or carrying outenergy efficiency modifications in, but not limited to, buildingsowned by the state or providing for energy conservation orincreased energy efficiency;
(10) "Resource recovery", the recovery of material orenergy from solid waste;
(11) "Resource recovery facility", any facility at whichsolid waste is processed for the purpose of extracting,converting to energy, or otherwise separating and preparing solidwaste for reuse;
(12) "Resource recovery system", a solid waste managementsystem which provides for collection, separation, recycling, andrecovery of solid wastes, including disposal of nonrecoverablewaste residues;
(13) "Revenues", all rents, installment payments on notes,interest on loans, revenues, charges and other income received bythe authority in connection with any project and any gift, grant,or appropriation received by the authority with respect thereto;
(14) "Sewage", any liquid or gaseous waste resulting fromindustrial, commercial, agricultural or community activities insuch amounts, characteristics and duration as to injure or harmthe public health or welfare or animal life or property;
(15) "Solid waste", garbage, refuse, discarded materialsand undesirable solid and semisolid residual matter resultingfrom industrial, commercial, agricultural or community activitiesin such amounts, characteristics and duration as to injure orharm the public health or welfare or animal life or property;
(16) "Synthetic fuels", any solid, liquid, or gas orcombination thereof, which can be used as a substitute forpetroleum or natural gas (or any derivatives thereof, includingchemical feedstocks) and which is produced by chemical orphysical transformation (other than washing, coking, ordesulfurizing) of domestic sources of coal, including lignite andpeat; shale; tar sands, including heavy oils; water as a sourceof hydrogen only through electrolysis, and mixtures of coal andcombustible liquids including petroleum; and
(17) "Water facilities", any facilities for the furnishingof water for industrial, commercial, agricultural or communitypurposes including, but not limited to, wells, reservoirs, dams,pumping stations, water lines, sewer lines, treatment plants,stabilization ponds, storm sewers, related equipment andmachinery.
(L. 1972 H.B. 1041 § 1, A.L. 1982 S.B. 506, A.L. 1985 H.B. 807, A.L. 1993 H.B. 195 merged with S.B. 80, et al.)