253.415. Local historic preservation citation--historic preservation commission may be established by ordinance--powers--qualifications.

Local historic preservation citation--historic preservationcommission may be established by ordinance--powers--qualifications.

253.415. 1. This section shall be known and may be citedas the "Local Historic Preservation Act".

2. Each city, town, village and each county regardless ofclassification may create by ordinance or order a historicpreservation commission, and * grant to such commission any or allof the following powers and authority:

(1) To conduct ongoing survey and research to identify anddocument buildings, structures, objects, sites and districts thatare of historic, archaeological, architectural, engineering,cultural or scenic significance to the locality, the state or thenation;

(2) To recommend to the governing body designation ofsignificant historic properties as historic landmarks andhistoric districts, to prepare documentation supporting suchnomination, and to maintain a register of designated landmarksand districts, and of significant historical, architectural andarchaeological properties;

(3) To recommend to the governing body the establishment ofregulations, guidelines and policies to preserve the integrityand ambience of designated landmarks and districts. Thecommission shall have the authority to review ordinarymaintenance as deemed appropriate, new construction, alterations,removals, and demolitions proposed within the boundaries of alandmark or district, including review of plans for vacant lotsand nonhistoric buildings and structures;

(4) To provide technical assistance to owners of older andhistoric, architectural, archaeological, cultural and scenicproperties concerning the preservation and maintenance of theproperty;

(5) To recommend to the governing body programs andpolicies and economic incentives to encourage the preservation ofsignificant historic landmarks and districts;

(6) To prepare a comprehensive historic preservation plan,or a preservation element to a master plan, to integrate thepreservation program into the local government for planning andzoning for land use, building and fire codes, special-usepermits, community revitalization, and heritage tourism;

(7) To participate in the conduct of land use, urbanrenewal and other city activities affecting landmarks anddistricts; and

(8) To acquire by purchase, gift, or bequest, fee title orlesser interest, including preservation restriction or easements,in designated properties and adjacent or associated lands whichare important for the preservation and use of the designatedproperties.

3. Commission members should, to the extent available, bepersons with demonstrated interest or expertise in historicpreservation. Representatives of historical societies andresidents of historic districts are encouraged as members.

(L. 1991 S.B. 124 §§ 5, 6, 7, A.L. 1994 S.B. 737)

* Word "to" appears here in original rolls.