253.409. Designation of historic districts, structure or sites, certain counties, procedure--property owners must concur--not applicable to cities (Greene and Christian counties).

Designation of historic districts, structure or sites, certaincounties, procedure--property owners must concur--not applicableto cities (Greene and Christian counties).

253.409. In any county of the first classification which contains a citywith a population of one hundred thousand or more inhabitants which adjoins noother county of the first classification and in any county with a populationof at least thirty-two thousand inhabitants which adjoins such a county, priorto the designation of any historic district, landmark, building, structure orsite by any historic preservation officer, or by any county on therecommendation of any local historic preservation commission establishedpursuant to section 253.415, such historic preservation officer or thegoverning body of the county shall send notice to all owners of real propertywithin any such district which is to be designated as a historic district orto all owners of real property whose property is to be designated as ahistoric landmark, building, structure or site in the manner prescribed inthis section. Such notice shall be sent by registered mail at least fifteendays prior to the date of such designation and shall provide the propertyowner the right to approve or reject the proposed designation. If a majorityof property owners within the proposed historic district object to theproposed designation, or if the owner of real property which is proposed to bedesignated as a historic landmark, building, structure or site objects to theproposed designation, the historic preservation officer or, in the case of aproposed local designation pursuant to section 253.412, the governing body ofthe county, shall not designate the historic district, landmark, building,structure or site unless and until a majority of such property owners of theproposed historic district or the owner of real property which is proposed tobe designated as a historic landmark, building, structure or site withdrawtheir objections. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any citylocated within a county described in this section.

(L. 1994 H.B. 1094)