253.320. Conditions required in leases--effect of encumbrances of lessee.

Conditions required in leases--effect of encumbrances of lessee.

253.320. Any lease granted under the provisions of sections253.290 to 253.320 shall be conditioned as follows and alsocontain such provisions as the attorney general may prescribe:

(1) The director of the department of natural resourcesshall retain the right to enter upon the lands at all times;

(2) The director shall control the style of architectureused in construction on the lands, and the quality of materialsused in said construction shall be approved by the director ofthe division of design and construction for the state ofMissouri, and may control all fees and prices charged to thepublic as may be required by the director;

(3) The director shall inspect and audit the books andrecords of the lessee at least once every two years;

(4) The lessee shall provide such care, maintenance, repair,conservation and improvement of the lands and shall render suchservices to the public as may be required by the director;

(5) The lessee shall keep true and accurate records of hisreceipts and disbursements arising out of the operation offacilities upon the leased lands and shall permit the director toinspect and audit them at all reasonable times;

(6) Nothing in sections 253.290 to 253.320 shall beconstrued as denying the lessees the right to execute mortgagesand other evidences of interest in or indebtedness upon theirleasehold interest or properties thereon for the purpose ofinstalling, enlarging or improving plant and equipment andextending facilities for the accommodation of the public withinsaid state park; provided, however, that no such mortgage orother encumbrance shall be valid unless authorized and approvedby the written order of the director; and further provided thatthe period for payment of such mortgage or indebtedness shall notextend beyond the lease period, and that no obligation orindebtedness shall incur to the state.

(L. 1959 H.B. 317 § 4, A.L. 1961 p. 236, A.L. 1967 p. 362, A.L. 1981 S.B. 445)