253.110. The Confederate Memorial Park as state park.

The Confederate Memorial Park as state park.

253.110. All parts of the following described land situatedin Lafayette County, of Missouri, selected and dedicated by theboard of trustees of the Confederate Soldiers' Home under an actof the general assembly appearing at Laws 1925, page 136,approved May 2, 1925, to wit: Beginning 2.00 chains east of theS.W. corner of the east 1/2 of S.W. 1/4 of Sec. 25 T50 R26;thence north 47 degrees east 20.00 chains to a stake; thencenorth 35 1/2 degrees west 3.97 chains to a stake; thence north 501/2 degrees east 4.84 chains to a post; thence north 39 1/2degrees west 1.54 chains to a stake; thence north 50 1/2 degreeseast 3.84 chains to an iron post; thence north 35 degrees west2.15 chains to the south line of the public road; thence north 541/2 degrees east along the south line of said road 15.03 chainsto a concrete post on the west line of the public road, runningsouth 34 degrees east; thence south 34 degrees east along thewest line of said road 41.03 chains to the south line ofConfederate home land; thence west on said last named line 52.85chains to the beginning, are set apart as a permanent memorialpark to the valor of the soldiers who served the Confederacy inthe War between the States. The land is under the control,maintenance and administration of the department of naturalresources and is designated "The Confederate Memorial Park".

(L. 1951 p. 774 §§ 212.040, 212.050, A.L. 1957 p. 306)