251.090. Powers of department.

Powers of department.

251.090. In order to carry out the provisions of sections251.010 to 251.440, the department, by and through the director,may convene conferences, hold hearings, conduct demonstrationprojects, accept grants and other financial assistance and mayconsult, cooperate with, assist, make and enter into contractswith other boards, commissions, agencies and institutions of thisstate, with local and federal governments, and privateorganizations, upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon,and may exercise such additional powers and duties as may benecessary to carry out the functions of the department under thelaw.

(L. 1967 p. 357 § 9)

*"Department" as used in this section apparently means both the department of economic development and the office of administration as the responsibilities under this chapter were split between the two offices by the Reorganization Act of 1974.