250.120. Revenue bonds--rates charged to be sufficient to pay principal and interest.

Revenue bonds--rates charged to be sufficient to pay principal andinterest.

250.120. 1. It shall be the mandatory duty of any city,town or village or sewer district which shall issue revenue bondspursuant to this chapter to fix and maintain rates and make andcollect charges for the use and services of the system for thebenefit of which such revenue bonds were issued, sufficient topay the cost of maintenance and operation thereof, to pay theprincipal of and the interest on all revenue bonds or otherobligations issued or incurred by such city, town or village orsewer district chargeable to the revenues of such system and toprovide funds ample to meet all valid and reasonable requirementsof the ordinance or resolution by which such revenue bonds havebeen issued. Such rates shall be from time to time revised so asfully to meet the requirements of this chapter. As long as anybond so issued or the interest thereon shall remain outstandingand unpaid, rates and charges sufficient to meet the requirementsof this section shall be maintained and collected by the city,town or village or sewer district which shall have issued suchbonds.

2. Such rates shall be fixed and charged regardless ofwhether or not the services of the system shall previously havebeen rendered without charge therefor by the previously existingwaterworks system, sewerage system or combined waterworks andsewerage system and regardless of how the acquisition of suchsystem shall have been financed, whether by taxation, specialassessment, the issuance of bonds or otherwise.

3. If the system shall be a combined waterworks and seweragesystem, rates and charges may be established, fixed and collectedfor water services only, for sewer services only or for bothservices combined and, in such case, the city, town or villageshall be and is hereby authorized to discontinue water serviceupon any failure to pay within a reasonable time the chargesfixed for either water service or sewer service or for bothservices combined.

4. It shall be lawful for any such city, town or village orsewer district to base its sewerage rates in whole or in partupon the amount of water supplied to the premises charged forsewerage services by any private water company; in such case itshall be the duty of such private water company to furnish tosuch city, town or village or sewer district such information asis necessary to calculate its charges for sewerage service.

(L. 1951 p. 638 § 11)

(1952) City has power to enact ordinance requiring that rates sufficient to pay bonds will be established and maintained and also to agree to require property owners to make connections into city sewerage system where sewerage service is available. City of Sikeston v. Sisson, 363 Mo. 104, 249 S.W.2d 345.