249.774. Board members for sewer districts, appointment, terms, vacancies.

Board members for sewer districts, appointment, terms, vacancies.

249.774. Following establishment of a sewer district with anappointed board, the chief executive officer of the city shall appoint twomembers and the county commission shall appoint three members to the sewerdistrict board of directors. The board members shall serve withoutcompensation for terms of four years and until their successors areappointed and qualified; provided, however, that of the initialappointments by the mayor one shall be for a term of one year and one shallbe for a term of two years and of the initial appointments by the countycommission, one shall be for one year, one for two years and one for threeyears. A vacancy shall be filled by the mayor or the county commissiondepending on who made the initial appointment.

(L. 1996 S.B. 665)