247.445. Sewage treatment facilities, construction and operation--procedure to establish petition to circuit court, content--user fee authorized.
Sewage treatment facilities, construction and operation--procedureto establish petition to circuit court, content--user fee authorized.
247.445. 1. The board of directors of any metropolitanwater supply district may petition the circuit court of thecounty containing the major part of the acreage in the districtfor an amended decree of incorporation to allow that district toengage in the construction, maintenance and operation of commonsewer treatment facilities which serve ten or more separateproperties and are located wholly within the district and arenot operated by another political subdivision or are not locatedwithin the certificated area of a sewer corporation as definedin chapter 386, RSMo, or within a common sewer district asdefined in chapter 204, RSMo, and the operation and maintenanceof all such existing sewer treatment facilities. The petitionshall be filed by the board of directors and all proceedingsshall be in the same manner as in an action for initialformation of a metropolitan water supply district except that novote of the residents of the district shall be required.
2. If the decree is amended the district shall, withinninety days after the order amending the decree, begin operationof the existing facilities which it has acquired by gift orotherwise and shall establish and collect user charges to bedetermined and established in the same manner as water rates.
3. All applicable provisions of sections 247.230 to 247.670shall apply to the construction, operation and maintenance ofcommon sewer facilities in the same manner as they apply to likefunctions relating to water supply.
(L. 1990 S.B. 747)