247.080. Board--further powers.
Board--further powers.
247.080. 1. The exercise of the powers conferred upon thedistrict by sections 247.010 to 247.220 shall be by its board ofdirectors, acting as a board.
2. The board shall have power and it shall be its duty toemploy necessary help and to contract for such professionalservice as the demands of the district require in creating andoperating a waterworks system contemplated in this law, and shallpay out of the funds of the district available for such purposesreasonable compensation for the service rendered. It shall havemade by a competent accountant an annual audit of the receiptsand expenditures of the district. All persons employed shallserve for an indefinite term and at the will of the board, andparty politics shall not enter into the selection of employees.
3. The board shall have regular monthly meetings and thepresident thereof may call special meetings as occasion requires.It shall establish an office for its meeting place and for thetransaction of business.
4. All persons charged with handling of funds shall berequired to give bond to be fixed and approved by the board, butat the expense of the district.
5. All contracts made by the district shall conform to lawgoverning contracts of other municipal corporations. It shallhave power to authorize and enter into all contracts in behalf ofthe district, and shall provide an official seal for district,and all official documents shall be attested by the seal.
(RSMo 1939 § 12627)