247.050. Powers of public water supply districts.
Powers of public water supply districts.
247.050. The following powers are hereby conferred upon public watersupply districts organized under the provisions of sections 247.010 to247.220:
(1) To sue and be sued;
(2) To purchase or otherwise acquire water for the necessities of thedistrict;
(3) To accept by gift any funds or property for the uses and purposesof the district;
(4) To dispose of property belonging to the district, under theconditions expressed in sections 247.010 to 247.220;
(5) To build, acquire by purchase or otherwise, enlarge, improve,extend and maintain a system of waterworks, including fire hydrants;
(6) To contract and be contracted with;
(7) To condemn private property, within or without the district,needed for the uses and purposes in sections 247.010 to 247.220 providedfor;
(8) To lease, acquire and own any and all property, equipment andsupplies needed within or without the district in the successful operationof a waterworks system;
(9) To contract indebtedness and issue general or special obligationbonds, or both, of the district therefor, as herein provided;
(10) To acquire, by purchase or otherwise, a system of waterworks,and to build, enlarge, improve, extend and equip such system for the usesand purposes of the district;
(11) To certify to the county commission or county commissions of thecounty or counties within which such district is situate the amount oramounts to be provided by the levy of a tax upon all taxable propertywithin the district to create an interest and sinking fund for the paymentof general obligation bonds of the district and the interest thereon; andalso
(12) To create an incidental fund to take care of all costs andexpenses incurred in incorporating the district, and all obligationscontracted prior thereto and connected therewith; and
(13) To purchase equipment and supplies needed in the operation ofthe water system of the district; provided, however, that the power tocreate an incidental fund by the levy of a general property tax shall ceaseafter two annual levies therefor shall have been made, and such levy shallnot exceed fifteen cents per annum on each one hundred dollars assessedvaluation of taxable property within the district;
(14) To provide for the collection of taxes and rates or charges forwater and water service;
(15) To sell and distribute water to the inhabitants of the districtand to consumers outside the district, delivered within or at theboundaries of the district; to contract with another water district or amunicipality to sell water within such water district or municipalityaccording to the terms and provisions of such contract; to contract withanother water district or municipality for such water district ormunicipality to sell water within the district according to the terms andprovisions of such contract;
(16) To fix rates for the sale of water; and
(17) To make general rules and regulations in relation to themanagement of the affairs of the district.
(RSMo 1939 § 12624, A.L. 2007 S.B. 407)CROSS REFERENCES:
Improvement district may redeem lands from tax lien, when, RSMo 140.380
Political subdivisions may contract with other political subdivisions on public improvements or facilities, RSMo 70.210 to 70.325