247.035. Sewer treatment facilities, construction and operation, when--procedure.
Sewer treatment facilities, construction and operation,when--procedure.
247.035. 1. The board of directors of any public watersupply district may petition the circuit court of the countycontaining the major part of the acreage in the district for anamended decree of incorporation to allow that district to engagein the construction, maintenance and operation of common sewertreatment facilities which serve ten or more separate propertiesand are located wholly within the district and are not operatedby another political subdivision or are not located within thecertificated area of a sewer corporation as defined in chapter386, RSMo, or within a common sewer district as defined inchapter 204, RSMo, and the operation and maintenance of all suchexisting sewer treatment facilities. The petition shall befiled by the board of directors and all proceedings shall be inthe same manner as in an action for initial formation of a waterdistrict except that no vote of the residents of the districtshall be required.
2. If the decree is amended the district shall, withinninety days after the order amending the decree, begin operationof the existing facilities which it has acquired by gift orotherwise and shall establish and collect user charges to bedetermined and established in the same manner as water rates.
3. All applicable provisions of this chapter shall apply tothe construction, operation and maintenance of common sewerfacilities in the same manner as they apply to like functionsrelating to water supply.
(L. 1980 H.B. 1191)Effective 4-30-80