246.140. District authorized to buy lands.
District authorized to buy lands.
246.140. 1. Drainage or levee districts heretofore orhereafter incorporated under any of the drainage or levee laws ofthis state where lands are offered for sale for their own taxesor assessments due thereon, shall be and are hereby authorized tobuy such lands at not to exceed the amount of such taxes,assessments, interest, penalties and costs. If such bid is thehighest bid, the sheriff shall convey such lands to such districtand they shall thereupon become the property of such district andmay be held, disposed of, sold or conveyed by such district atsuch price and on such terms as may be determined by it to be tothe best interest of such district, either free from or subjectto all taxes or assessments or any part thereof due such districtat the time of such resale; but such lands shall remain subjectto all drainage or levee taxes, assessments or installmentsthereof becoming due after such resale; and the terms of resalemay include the postponing by such district of one or more of thesubsequent installments of the tax or assessment for such time,as may be agreed upon not exceeding three years; provided,however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as inany manner, enlarging or extending the now existing powers of anydistrict to levy or assess any additional tax or assessment uponlands and other property situate in any such district by reasonof the release of or postponement of any taxes or assessmentsupon any lands or other property sold for delinquent taxes orassessments.
2. Deeds or other conveyances made by such district shall bein such form and executed by such officers and in such manner asshall be determined by the governing body of such district.
3. Where the same land is subject to the lien of taxes orassessments of more than one district, such lands may, byagreement between such districts, be purchased at foreclosuresale by any such district in trust for all such districts. Theinterest of each district in lands purchased pursuant to suchagreement, shall be at any given time in proportion to the totalof the taxes or assessments due the respective districts at suchtime; provided, however, that the rights of any district failing,refusing or neglecting to enter into such agreement shall bedetermined and fixed by the district or districts entering suchagreement or purchasing such lands; provided, however, that nodistrict shall have power to make any expenditures ordisbursements of any kind or character under the provisions ofsections 246.140 to 246.170 out of any maintenance fund of suchdistrict.
(RSMo 1939 § 12609)Prior revision: 1929 § 11020