245.525. Herding livestock on levee prohibited.
Herding livestock on levee prohibited.
245.525. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any livestockto allow the same to use and run upon any levee erected under theprovisions of sections 245.285 to 245.545, or to herd anylivestock upon said levee during overflows or high water; andwhenever in the judgment of the inspectors of the levee, anylivestock are likely to endanger the levee under their charge,the inspector of the section of levee where such damage isthreatened shall notify the owner of such livestock liable to dosuch damage, and require him to remove such livestock; and everysuch owner who, after such notice, shall neglect or refuse toconfine his or her stock, and keep them off the levees, shall paya fine not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than onehundred dollars for each and every act of disobedience to suchnotice, to be recovered at the suit of the inspector or hissuccessor in office, in any court of competent jurisdiction; andthe amount recovered and collected shall be paid into the countytreasury to the credit of the levee fund of the district.
(RSMo 1939 § 12580)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10990; 1919 § 4682; 1909 § 5745