245.520. Compensation of engineers and other officers and employees.

Compensation of engineers and other officers and employees.

245.520. The engineer appointed by the board of directors,under the provisions of sections 245.285 to 245.545, shallreceive for his services a sum not to exceed seventy-five dollarsper month for the time he is actually employed in field or otherwork, under contract with said board of directors. The salariesof all other officers, not otherwise fixed by the provisions ofsections 245.285 to 245.545, and the agents and employees of saidboard of directors, shall be fixed by said board, and suchsalaries, and all other necessary expenses incurred by said boardof directors in carrying into effect the provisions of sections245.285 to 245.545, shall be paid out of the levee fund of thedistrict, upon proper warrant issued by order of the board ofdirectors.

(RSMo 1939 § 12584)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 10994; 1919 § 4686; 1909 § 5749