245.480. Additional taxes for enlarging and strengthening levee.
Additional taxes for enlarging and strengthening levee.
245.480. Whenever the board of directors of any leveedistrict shall ascertain that the levees constructed by saiddistrict are insufficient, from any cause, to afford completeprotection from overflows, to the lands in said district, theymay by resolution entered upon the record of said levee boardcall a meeting of the landowners of said levee district to beheld at some convenient place on the line of said levee, for thepurpose of determining whether said levee shall be enlarged andstrengthened; and they shall give the same notice as required inthe case of calling a landowners' meeting in the organization ofa new district, as provided by section 245.460, and at suchmeeting they shall lay before the landowners present an estimateof the cost of the proposed work of enlarging and strengtheningsaid levee, made by an engineer, and a vote shall be taken atsuch meeting, by the landowners present, voting either bythemselves or by proxy, whether an additional tax shall be leviedand an additional percent of the assessed benefits expended forsuch purpose, and if a majority of the votes cast are in favor ofsuch additional work the board shall proceed to construct thesame and the additional taxes may be levied and apportionment ofbenefits made as herein provided.
(RSMo 1939 § 12603)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11013; 1919 § 4705