245.460. Levee assessment books returned to whom--meeting of landowners.
Levee assessment books returned to whom--meeting of landowners.
245.460. Said assessment book shall be made out by theassessors of their respective counties in the levee district, anda fair copy thereof shall be returned to the president of theboard of directors of the levee district in which the assessmentshave been made, at the same time assessors are required, underthe general revenue laws of the state, to make out and return tothe county commission a copy of the assessor's book for state andcounty taxes, and shall file the original assessment book in theoffice of the clerk of the county commission of the county inwhich the assessment is made. Upon the filing of the copy orcopies of the assessment book, as required by this section, theboard of directors shall call a meeting of the landowners of saidlevee district at some place convenient to some part of said workor contemplated work, and shall give at least thirty days' noticeof the time and place of said meeting and the purpose thereof, byadvertisement in some newspaper published in the county composingthe levee district, and when lying in two or more counties, thenin some newspaper published in each of said counties. At suchmeeting the board of directors shall submit the reports,specifications, surveys, maps, profiles and estimates made by theengineers, together with the assessments, as returned by thecounty assessors, to said meeting for action, and requiring theowners of said lands and the holders of any lien thereon to showcause at said meeting why said lands should not be assessed withtheir proportional part of said work.
(RSMo 1939 § 12563, A.L. 1994 S.B. 633)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10973; 1919 § 4665; 1909 § 5728
Effective 7-12-94