245.395. Board to publish statement of work done.
Board to publish statement of work done.
245.395. Said board of directors shall, at their firstmeeting after the expiration of one year from date of theirorganization, and annually thereafter make and publish in somenewspaper published in the county composing the levee district,and when composed of two or more counties, then in each countylying in such district, a full and complete statement of theamount and kind of levee work done in the district, with amountof money collected and disbursed during the preceding year,showing from what officer and what account any money has beenreceived, and to what individuals and on what account any moneyhas been paid, and shall strike a balance showing a deficit, ifany, or the balance in the treasury, if any.
(RSMo 1939 § 12586)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10996; 1919 § 4688; 1909 § 5751