245.290. County commissions may establish levee districts.
County commissions may establish levee districts.
245.290. The county commissions of the several counties inthis state containing contiguous bodies of lands subject tooverflow or inundation or endangered or liable to be endangeredby bank erosion or wash from rivers bordering upon or whollywithin the state, may divide the territory of their respectivecounties subject to overflow or inundation or other damage intoone or more districts, every such district of which, as well asthose hereafter organized under the provisions of sections245.285 to 245.545, shall be a body corporate, and possess theusual powers of a corporation for public purposes, under the nameand style of "levee district No. ......... of ......... County";and in that name shall be capable of suing and being sued, ofholding such real and personal property as may at any time beeither donated to or purchased by them in accordance with theprovisions of sections 245.285 to 245.545, or of which they maybe rightfully possessed at the time of the passage of this law,having reference to the locality of the land and the character ofthe riverfront, including in each of said districts, as near aspossible, all the land subject to overflow or inundations, orendangered or liable to be endangered by bank erosion or washfrom the same crevasses, bayous, draws or outflows from rivers,and in the same direction, and which can be protected by the samelevee or system of levees or bank protection; provided, that whenit shall be made to appear in any way that there shall be land intwo or more counties subject to overflow or inundation from thesame crevasses, bayous, draws or outflows from a river, and inthe same direction, and which can be protected by the same leveeor system of levees, either county, by and with the consent ofthe county commission of the other county or counties, dulyentered of record, may lay off such territory of said county orcounties into a levee district, in the same manner as hereinprovided for territory wholly within such county; provided, thatin the event any work is to be done upon any navigable stream,the consent of the federal government shall be obtained to makesuch improvement or improvements before the actual work on theimprovement shall be begun.
(RSMo 1939 § 12548)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10958; 1919 § 4651; 1909 § 5714