245.275. Procedure in dissolving levee district.
Procedure in dissolving levee district.
245.275. The incorporation of every levee district,heretofore or hereafter incorporated under and by virtue of theprovisions of sections 245.010 to 245.280, shall be dissolved if,at any time before its board of supervisors has adopted a planfor reclamation, the owners, of a majority of the acres of landwithin said levee district, petition the circuit court, whereinsaid levee district was incorporated, for a dissolution thereof;provided, that, upon the filing of any such petition, saidcircuit court shall, before dissolving said corporation ascertainand determine the amount of money in the treasury of, or owingto, said corporation, and the amount of all warrants issued andunpaid by it, and the amount of the debts and other obligationsowing by it; and, if said amount of money, in the treasury andowing to said corporation, is in excess of the amount of saidwarrants, debts and other obligations, said circuit court shallorder said warrants, debts and other obligations to be forthwithpaid and discharged, and said excess divided among all the ownersof land in said levee district who paid the same thereto, in theproportions in which they paid the same; but if said amount ofmoney, in the treasury and owing to said corporation, is notsufficient to pay and discharge said warrants, debts and otherobligations, then said circuit court shall order said board ofsupervisors to levy and collect a uniform tax, upon each andevery acre of land within said levee district, sufficient inamount to pay said deficiency, and to thereupon pay the same.
(RSMo 1939 § 12547)Prior revision: 1929 § 10957