245.270. Liability of reorganized district.
Liability of reorganized district.
245.270. When an existing levee district has beenreorganized under sections 245.010 to 245.280 the board ofsupervisors will not be required to follow such steps orrequirements of sections 245.010 to 245.280 as are inconsistentwith or rendered unnecessary, by the work that has already beendone in the district; provided, that no such change oforganization shall have the effect of in any way invalidating anyindebtedness, liability, or contract of any nature incurred underits former organization, but all such indebtedness, liability orcontract shall attach to and become the debt or liability of thenew organization until the same is fully paid and discharged, andall debts owing to, and all rights and privileges and immunitiesheld or enjoyed by the old district under its former organizationshall be held and enjoyed by the new district when the same shallorganize under the provisions of sections 245.010 to 245.280;provided further, that no right of action shall exist nor remedybe allowed against any such reorganized district by virtue of anycontract or contracts made by, or on behalf of, any suchreorganized district prior to its reorganization as hereinprovided for, which did not exist or was not allowed by statuteagainst such district prior to the time of its organization asherein provided for; and provided further, that two or more leveedistricts, whether located in the same or different counties, mayunite in formulating and signing articles of association for thereorganization of such districts under the provisions of sections245.040 to 245.055 and the land and other property of suchdistricts may be combined into one and the same district undersome suitable title.
(RSMo 1939 § 12545)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10955; 1919 § 4649