245.190. Board may make additional levy of tax.
Board may make additional levy of tax.
245.190. Where the works set out in the plan for reclamationof any levee district is found insufficient to reclaim in wholeor in part any or all of the land and other property of thedistrict the board of supervisors shall have the right toformulate new or amended plans containing new levees or otherworks, or providing for the enlargement of existing levees orother works, and additional assessments may be made in conformitywith the provisions of section 245.180, the same to be made inproportion to the increased benefits accruing to the lands andother property because of the additional works. If it should befound at any time that the amount of total tax levied under theprovisions of section 245.180 is insufficient to pay cost ofworks set out in the plan for reclamation or additional work doneunder the provisions of this section, the board of supervisorsmay make an additional levy to provide funds to complete thework; provided, the total of all levies of such tax does notexceed the total amount of benefits assessed.
(RSMo 1939 § 12538)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10948; 1919 § 4642