245.150. Board to construct works--may let contracts for construction.
Board to construct works--may let contracts for construction.
245.150. The board of supervisors of said district shallhave full power and authority to build, construct, excavate andcomplete all or any works and improvements which may be needed tocarry out, maintain and protect the plan for reclamation. Toaccomplish that end the said board of supervisors is herebyauthorized and empowered to employ men and teams and to purchasemachinery, employ men to operate same and directly have charge ofand construct the works and improvements, or by the use of otheror more efficient means than provided for in the plans adopted.They may, in their discretion, let the contract for such worksand improvements either as a whole or in sections, and when suchcontract or contracts are let, they shall be advertised and letto the lowest and best bidder, who shall give a good and approvedbond, with ample security, conditioned that he will well andpromptly carry out the contract for such work and improvements,which contract shall be in writing and to which shall be attachedand made a part thereof, complete plans and specifications of thework to be done and the improvements to be made under saidcontract, which plans and specifications shall be prepared by thechief engineer, and shall be incorporated in and attached to thecontract, which contract shall be prepared by the attorney forthe district, and before the work is commenced shall be approvedby the board of supervisors and signed by the president of theboard and the contractor and shall be executed in duplicate. Thechief engineer shall be the superintendent of all the works andimprovements and shall whenever required, and at least once eachyear, make a full report to said board of all work done andimprovements made and make such suggestions and recommendationsto the board as he may deem proper; provided, however, that ifand when the state of Missouri or the United States of America orany subdivision, department, division or agency thereof iswilling to construct the works and improvements provided for inthe plan for reclamation or any part thereof, the board ofsupervisors of said district is authorized to cooperate with suchagency to the fullest extent and is hereby granted power andauthority to accept any such work in aid of the project,irrespective of whether it be by way of grant of funds, labor,work, materials or otherwise and may, in the discretion of theboard of supervisors, give such assurances as may be required toobtain the construction of the works and improvements providedfor in the plan for reclamation.
(RSMo 1939 § 12510, A.L. 1947 V. II p. 226)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10920; 1919 § 4614
Contractual agreements among political subdivisions for common facilities and services, proceedings, RSMo 70.210 to 70.320