245.100. Chief engineer appointed--duties.
Chief engineer appointed--duties.
245.100. Within sixty days after organizing, the board ofsupervisors shall appoint a competent civil engineer as chiefengineer, who may be an individual, copartnership or corporation,and who shall engage such assistants as the board of supervisorsmay approve. The chief engineer shall have control of theengineering work in said district. The chief engineer may, byand with the consent of the board of supervisors, consult anyeminent engineer or engineers and obtain his or their opinion andadvice concerning the reclamation or protection of land in saiddistrict. The said engineer or engineers shall make allnecessary surveys of the lands within the boundary lines of saiddistrict as described by the articles of association, and of alllands adjacent thereto that may or will be improved or reclaimedin part or in whole by any system of levees or bank protectionthat may be outlined and adopted, and said engineer or engineersshall make a report in writing to the board of supervisors withmaps and profiles of said surveys, which report shall contain aplan for leveeing, draining, reclaiming or protecting the landsand property described in the articles of association or adjacentthereto from overflow of or damage by water; provided, that thechief engineer may in his discretion, accept, approve and adoptor amend any plan for leveeing, draining, reclaiming orprotecting the lands and property described in the decree of thecourt incorporating said district, which may have been designedby either a state or federal department, division or agency,which has for its purpose the protection and reclamation of theland and property within the district.
(RSMo 1939 § 12502, A.L. 1947 V. II p. 226)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10912; 1919 § 4606