245.060. Election of board of supervisors--term of office.
Election of board of supervisors--term of office.
245.060. Within thirty days after any levee district shall have beenorganized and incorporated under the provisions of section 245.025 thecircuit clerk of the court organizing such district shall, upon givingnotice by causing publication to be made once a week for two consecutiveweeks in some newspaper published in each county in which lands of thedistrict are located, the last insertion to be at least ten days before theday of such meeting, call a meeting of the owners of real estate or otherproperty located in such district, including the authorized representativeof any corporation which owns real estate or other property located in suchdistrict, at a day and hour specified in some public place in the county inwhich the district was organized, for the purpose of electing a board offive supervisors, to be composed of owners of real estate in the district,which may include the authorized representative of any corporation whichowns real estate or other property in the district, two of whom at leastshall be residents of the county or counties in which the district islocated, or some adjoining counties; the landowners, when assembled, shallorganize by the election of a chairman and secretary of the meeting, whoshall conduct the election; at such election each and every acre of landand each and every mile of right-of-way of every corporation owning afranchise in the district shall represent one share, and each owner shallbe entitled to one vote in person or by proxy for every acre of land ormile of right-of-way owned by him or her in such district, and the fivepersons receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected assupervisors; and the supervisors shall immediately by lot determine theterms of their office, which shall be respectively one, two, three, fourand five years, and they shall serve until their successors shall have beenelected and qualified; provided, that if the levee district be locatedwholly within a third or fourth class city of this state, or within anycity in this state under fifty thousand population operating under aspecial charter then the owner of each lot, tract, parcel or subdivisionthereof, as set forth in the final decree of the court creating andincorporating such levee district, shall be entitled to one vote, in personor by proxy, for each lot, tract, parcel or subdivision thereof, owned byhim or her.
(RSMo 1939 § 12496, A.L. 1947 V. II p. 226, A.L. 1999 H.B. 450, A.L. 2004 H.B. 795, et al. merged with H.B. 1207)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10906; 1919 § 4600; 1909 § 5705