245.050. Notice of reorganization hearing.
Notice of reorganization hearing.
245.050. Immediately after such articles of association have been filed,the circuit clerk in whose office the same have been filed shall give noticein the manner and for the time specified in section 245.020, said notice to bein substantially the following form which shall be deemed sufficient for allthe purposes of sections 245.010 to 245.280:
Notice is hereby given to owners of land and other property in ".....levee district" of Missouri that articles of association have been filed inthis office, asking that said levee district be reorganized under theprovisions of sections 245.010 to 245.280, and that you, and each of you, arenotified to appear before the court on the ..... day of ........., 20.., at......... in ......... County, and show cause, if any there be, why said leveedistrict as set forth in said articles of association should not bereorganized as a public corporation under this law.
Clerk of the circuit court of ......... County. The circuit court of the county in which said articles of association havebeen filed shall thereafter maintain and have original and exclusivejurisdiction coextensive with the boundaries and limits of said districtwithout regard to county lines, for all purposes of sections 245.010 to245.280; provided, that where lands in different counties are sought to beincorporated in the same district, it shall not be necessary to include all ofthe lands in said proposed district in the notice published in the differentcounties, but only such lands and other property in the district as aresituate in the respective counties.
(RSMo 1939 § 12542, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10952; 1919 § 4646
Effective 1-2-79