245.045. Districts reorganized to receive all benefits--reorganization articles of association to be filed with circuit court.
Districts reorganized to receive all benefits--reorganizationarticles of association to be filed with circuit court.
245.045. Any levee district heretofore organized and anydistrict that is now in process of organization or any leveedistrict that may hereafter be organized under any previous orexisting law of this state, either general or special, mayorganize under the provisions of sections 245.010 to 245.280, andafter so organized shall be entitled to the benefits of all ofthe provisions of sections 245.010 to 245.280. The owners of amajority of acreage of any existing levee district may make andsign articles of association in which shall be stated: The nameof the district which shall be the same as the name it bears whensuch articles of association are made, and the number of yearssuch district is to continue, which shall in no event be forfewer years than the life of any of its existing obligations.Such articles shall also state that the boundaries of thedistrict will be the same as the boundaries of the presentorganization and that the description of the land and otherproperty and the owners thereof are such as are described in thepresent record of the district as now organized and said articlesof association shall contain a petition, praying that the landsof said levee district be declared a levee district under theprovisions of sections 245.010 to 245.280. After such articlesof association have been so signed, the same shall be filed inthe office of the clerk of the circuit court of the county inwhich such lands are situate, or if such lands be situate in twoor more counties, then in the office of the clerk of the circuitcourt of the county in which there are situate more of said landsthan in any other county.
(RSMo 1939 § 12541)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10951; 1919 § 4645