242.710. Reclamation of mineralized lands.
Reclamation of mineralized lands.
242.710. In order more effectively to promote the drainageand reclamation of mineralized lands now organized or which mayhereafter be organized hereunder, such districts shall have thepower to purchase, construct, own or lease and operate a plant orplants for the pumping of water from the underground areas ofsuch lands, and a custom concentrating plant or plants forcrushing and cleaning ores and minerals; to prescribe, regulateand collect taxes or charges for the pumping of water and for thecrushing and cleaning of such ores and minerals, and to acquireby lease, purchase, donation or condemnation, the necessary landsupon which to construct such pumping station or pumping stations,plant or plants, and rights-of-way and easements for theconstruction and maintenance of roads, railroads or other ways toand from such station or stations, plant or plants, includingrights-of-way and easements for the flowage, impounding ordisposal of water.
(RSMo 1939 § 12391)