242.690. Prior remedies not impaired by sections 242.010 to 242.690.
Prior remedies not impaired by sections 242.010 to 242.690.
242.690. 1. The repeal of article 1 of chapter 41, RSMo1909 and the repeal of an act amending and adding to said article1, enacted in 1911 and found on pages 205 to 222 of the laws ofMissouri of 1911, shall not have the effect of suspending,abating, abridging, impairing, vitiating or nullifying any right,power, remedy or lien heretofore given, created or conferred uponany drainage district heretofore organized or in process oforganization at the time of passage of sections 242.010 to242.690, under any law of this state, but all such rights,powers, remedies and liens are hereby directly preserved to allsuch drainage districts; nor shall the repealing of said article1 as amended and added to by the 46th general assembly in 1911have the effect of suspending, abridging, abating or nullifyingany proceeding or proceedings now pending in any court of thisstate or of the United States; nor shall the repealing ofexisting laws have the effect of impairing, invalidating,discharging, changing, modifying or destroying any obligation,contract or undertaking, entered into by, or with any drainagedistrict now organized and existing under any law in this state,but all such obligations, contracts and undertakings so enteredinto, shall be and remain inviolate.
2. All rights, powers, liens and remedies now existing inbehalf of any drainage district of this state, may be enforcedand made available in the manner and by the means and mode nowprovided by law, or such rights, powers, liens and remedies maybe enforced and made available under the provisions of saidsections, if applicable, at the election of the drainagedistrict. Sections 242.010 to 242.690 are hereby declared to beremedial in character and purpose, and shall be liberallyconstrued by the courts in carrying out this legislative intentand purpose.
(RSMo 1939 § 12389)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10808; 1919 § 4438