235.220. Boundaries may be altered to exclude certain territory, how.
Boundaries may be altered to exclude certain territory, how.
235.220. 1. The owner or owners of any real or personalproperty contained within the boundaries of the district may filewith the board a petition praying that such property be excludedand taken from said district. Such petition shall describe theproperty which the petitioners desire to have excluded.
2. The secretary of the board shall cause a notice of filingof such petition to be published in the county in which saidproperty is located. The notice shall state the filing of suchpetition, the names of petitioners, description of the propertymentioned sought to be excluded and the prayer of saidpetitioners; and it shall notify all persons interested to appearat the office of said board at the time named in said noticeshowing cause in writing, if any they have, why said petitionshould not be granted.
3. The board at the time and place mentioned in the notice,or at the time or times at which the hearing of said petition maybe adjourned, shall proceed to hear the petition and allobjections thereto presented in writing by any person showingcause as aforesaid, why the prayer of the petition should not begranted. The filing of such petition shall be deemed and takenas an assent by each and all such petitioners to the exclusionfrom the district of the property mentioned in the petition, orany part thereof.
4. The board, if it deems it not for the best interests ofthe district that the property mentioned in the petition, or anyportion thereof, shall be excluded from the district, shall orderthat said petition be denied; but if it deems it for the bestinterest of the district that the property mentioned in thepetition, or some portion thereof, be excluded from the district,then the board may order the property mentioned in the petitionor some portion thereof, excluded from the district.
5. Upon allowance of such petition, the board shall file acertified copy of the order of the board making such change withthe county clerk; and upon order of the county commission saidproperty shall be excluded from the district, and a copy of theorder of the board and the order of the commission shall be filedwith the recorder.
6. The county commission shall make any such order excludingproperty from the district as provided in the order of the board,unless the commission shall find that such order of the board wasnot authorized by law, or that such order of the board was notsupported by competent and substantial evidence.
(L. 1947 V. I p. 452 § 22)