233.507. Officers, election of, duties--meetings, conduct of.
Officers, election of, duties--meetings, conduct of.
233.507. 1. The commissioners so appointed and qualifiedshall meet at such a time and place within such subdistrict asmay be fixed by the county commission at the time of appointingthem, or as they may in writing agree upon, and shall organizeby electing one of their number president, another vicepresident and another secretary, except that by a unanimous voteof the commissioners, a person not a member of such board may bechosen secretary.
2. Meetings of the special road subdistrict commissionersshall be held thereafter at such time and place as they mayagree upon in writing, or the president or vice president mayorder. The treasurer of the board shall be the countytreasurer, and he shall be responsible on his bond for thefaithful keeping of all moneys deposited with him by reason ofsections 233.500 to 233.520. The president of the board shallpreside at all meetings thereof. He shall sign the minutes andrecords of the board, and all warrants that may be drawn uponthe treasury for the payment of any money out of the treasury onaccount of the funds belonging to such subdistrict, and exercisea general supervising control over the work of suchcommissioners, and may do all the acts and things that the boardmay empower him to do, and such others as may be authorized bysections 233.500 to 233.520. During absence of the presidentfrom the county, or from any meeting of the board, the vicepresident shall perform the duties herein conferred upon thepresident.
3. The secretary shall carefully keep a true record of allwarrants drawn on the treasurer and all written contracts thatmay be entered into on behalf of the subdistrict, shall attestsuch warrants and the execution of such contracts, keep minutesof meetings of the board, and perform such other duties as thelaw may require. All money paid to the county treasurer andplaced to the credit of the subdistrict shall be paid out onlyon warrants signed by the president or vice president andattested by the secretary, except as may be otherwise authorizedby law.
(L. 1990 S.B. 479 & 649 § 4)Effective 5-30-90