233.500. Establishment authorized--boundaries of subdistrict.
Establishment authorized--boundaries of subdistrict.
233.500. 1. Within the boundaries of any special roaddistrict established under the provisions of section 233.015,233.170 or 233.320, RSMo, or in an area within a county which isnot included in any special road district, the county commissionmay create a special road subdistrict in the manner prescribedin sections 233.500 to 233.520. Any such subdistrictestablished shall be a body corporate and possess the usualpowers of a public corporation for public purposes, and shall beknown as "........... Special Road Subdistrict of ..........County" and in that name shall be capable of suing and beingsued, of holding such real estate and personal property as mayat any time be either donated to or purchased by it inaccordance with the provisions of sections 233.500 to 233.520,and of contracting and being contracted with as provided insections 233.500 to 233.520.
2. Special road subdistricts so organized shall consist ofa public road of one mile or more in length and the adjacentlands one-fourth of a mile or more on either side of such publicroad, including adjacent roads one-fourth of a mile or more fromthe public road, and any such special road subdistrict shallhave an assessed valuation of at least one million dollars,according to the last available report of the state taxcommission.
(L. 1990 S.B. 479 & 649 § 1)Effective 5-30-90