233.420. Compensation of collector, county clerk and commissioners of special road district.
Compensation of collector, county clerk and commissioners ofspecial road district.
233.420. 1. Township or county collectors shall receive forcollecting special tax bills authorized by sections 233.320 to233.445 the same compensation as if collected as county taxes.
2. Clerks of county commissions shall receive, for issuingand attesting each special tax bill issued under sections 233.320to 233.445, six cents; for recording an abstract or descriptionof each such tax bill, five cents; for making the record of aspecial tax payable in installments, four cents for each tract ofland against which such tax is assessed; for attesting specialassessment bonds issued under sections 233.320 to 233.445 andregistering the same, twenty cents for each bond; for any otherservice performed under sections 233.320 to 233.445, suchcompensation as may be fixed by law, and if not fixed by law,such as may be fixed by the county commission.
3. Commissioners of road district incorporated undersections 233.320 to 233.445 shall receive no compensation fortheir services, but shall be paid any and all expense they mayincur in transacting business of the district, includingreasonable attorney's fees.
(RSMo 1939 § 8854)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8194; 1919 § 10955