233.405. Contracts for improvements.
Contracts for improvements.
233.405. 1. Whenever an order for improvement is made, thecommissioners of the district shall, in the name of the district,enter into a written contract with the lowest and best bidder formaking such improvement in compliance with such order. Suchcontract shall require that the work be completed within acertain time, and shall provide a penalty for each day beyondsaid time said work remains uncompleted, and said commissionersshall require said contractor to enter into a bond, to beapproved by the commissioners, for the full performance of saidcontract, and payment for all labor and material used or employedin the performance of such contract.
2. Said special road district commissioners may advertisefor bids for such contract in any manner they choose; and thecontract shall in no case be let to any special road districtcommissioner, nor shall any special road district commissioner,directly or indirectly, have any pecuniary interest therein otherthan the performance of his official duties as herein required.
3. Said contract shall in no case provide for the payment ofa sum in excess of the estimated cost of the work, as found bythe commission, plus ten percent thereof, and shall not providefor payment of exceeding eighty percent of the value of the workactually performed and materials furnished until the entireimprovement is completed.
4. As payments to the contractor become payable by the termsof the contract, the commissioners shall cause warrants to bedrawn on the district treasurer therefor.
(RSMo 1939 § 8850)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8190; 1919 § 10951