233.330. Commissioners of special road district, how selected--term--qualifications--vacancies, how filled.
Commissioners of special road district, howselected--term--qualifications--vacancies, how filled.
233.330. 1. At the term of the county commission in whichsuch order is made, or at any subsequent term thereafter, thecounty commission shall appoint three special road districtcommissioners, who shall be voters of the district who shall holdtheir office until the second Tuesday in April thereafter. Thevoters of the district, at an hour and place to be fixed by saidcommissioners, shall elect three special road districtcommissioners, one of whom shall serve one year, one for twoyears, and one for three years, and on municipal election dayseach year thereafter they shall elect a special road districtcommissioner to take the place of the one whose term is about toexpire, who shall serve three years.
2. No person shall be elected or appointed commissioner whois not a voter of the district. Any vacancy caused byresignation, death, removal from the district of a special roaddistrict commissioner or sale of all land owned by him in thedistrict shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment bythe remaining special road district commissioners of thedistrict. All special road district commissioners shall qualifyby taking, subscribing and filing with the county clerk the oathprescribed by the constitution of this state, and that they willfaithfully, honestly and impartially discharge their duties ascommissioners according to law.
3. If for any reason the board of commissioners hereinmentioned shall fail to call an annual election to fill a vacancyor vacancies caused by the expiration of the term of any one ormore of the special road district commissioners, then the countycommission is hereby authorized and required to call an electionto fill said vacancy.
(RSMo 1939 § 8838, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8178; 1919 § 10939