233.320. Special road districts--organized how--by whom.
Special road districts--organized how--by whom.
233.320. 1. In counties now operating or which mayhereafter operate under township organization, whenever it isproposed to form a special road district within the limits of oneor more incorporated townships, such proposed district shall beorganized in the manner herein prescribed.
2. The county commission shall divide the territory withintheir respective counties into road districts in the mannerherein prescribed, and every such district organized according tothe provisions of sections 233.320 to 233.445 shall be a bodycorporate and possess the usual powers of a public corporationfor public purposes, and shall be known and styled ".........special road district of ......... County", and in that nameshall be capable of suing and being sued, of holding such realestate and personal property as may at any time be either donatedto or purchased by it in accordance with the provisions ofsections 233.320 to 233.445, or of which it may be rightfullypossessed at the time of the passage of sections 233.320 to233.445, and of contracting and of being contracted with asherein provided.
3. Districts so organized may be of any dimensions that maybe deemed necessary or advisable, except that every districtshall be included wholly within the county organizing it andshall contain at least six hundred and forty acres of contiguousterritory; provided, that the county commission shall not havepower to divide the territory within the corporate limits of acity having a population of one hundred and fifty thousand intosuch road district.
(RSMo 1939 § 8836)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8176; 1919 § 10937