233.317. Expansion or extension of a road district, procedure--ballot language.
Expansion or extension of a road district, procedure--ballot language.
233.317. 1. In addition to any other mechanism established by lawfor the expansion or extension of a road district established undersections 233.170 to 233.315, such road district may be extended byelection. The provisions of this section shall only apply to the extensionof special road districts in counties of the fourth classification.
2. Upon presentation of a petition signed by not less thanthirty-five registered voters in the old district and by the lesser ofthirty-five registered voters or fifty percent of the registered voters inthe area to be added to the road district to the county commission, thecounty commission shall make an order of record that the proposed extensionof said road district under the provisions of this section, describing thesame by its title and the date of its approval, and describing theboundaries of the district as proposed to be extended, be submitted to thevoters of such proposed road district.
3. The question shall be submitted in substantially the followingform:
"Shall the . . . . . . . . Special Road District be extended?".
4. If the majority of the votes cast for and against the expansion ofthe road district be for its expansion, the commission shall declare theresult of the vote thereon by an order of record, and shall make an orderof record declaring that the road district shall be expanded to include theterritory covered by the petition. If the majority of the votes be againstthe expansion, the territory shall remain as it was prior to the vote. Anyorder pursuant to this section shall take effect ten days after its entry.
(L. 2008 S.B. 896)