233.290. Dissolution of road district--not to affect validity of bonds, levy or collection of special taxes.
Dissolution of road district--not to affect validity of bonds,levy or collection of special taxes.
233.290. Whenever any owner of land within any road districtorganized under the provisions of sections 233.170 to 233.315shall file with the county commission of the county in which suchdistrict may be located a petition verified by an affidavitstating that such road district has no special road districtcommissioners and has failed to elect special road districtcommissioners or that such road district has ceased to performthe functions for which it was created, the county commissionshall cause five notices to be posted in conspicuous places insaid district, giving notice of the filing of such petitions, andthat unless cause be shown to the said county commission on a dayto be named in said notices, not less than thirty nor more thansixty days from the time of posting such notices, why the saidroad district should not be dissolved, that the same will bedissolved; and if on the day named in such notices no party ininterest shall appear and show that the said road district isperforming the functions for which it was created or that it hasspecial road district commissioners or that good cause exists whythe said road districts should not be dissolved, the countycommission shall, on the next meeting of the county commissionmake its order of record that such road district be dissolved;provided, that if any party in interest shall appear and showcause as herein provided, the county commission shall proceed tohear evidence on the matter, and if it appears to thesatisfaction of the county commission that no good cause existswhy such road district should not be dissolved, it shall enterits order of record that such road district be dissolved, and ifcontrary appear, the said petition shall be dismissed; providedfurther, that nothing in sections 233.170 to 233.315 shall affectthe validity of any bonds that may have been issued by such roaddistrict or affect the levy or collection of any special taxesthat may have been* levied or assessed against any lands withinsuch district; provided further, after the dissolution of anysuch special road district the land therein shall be divided intoroad districts under the provisions of sections 231.010 to231.030, 231.050 to 231.100 and 137.555 to 137.575, RSMo, and anymoney that may be on hand to the credit of such special roaddistrict that shall not be needed to satisfy any liabilities ofsuch special road district shall, by order of the countycommission, be turned over to such new road districts inproportion to the number of acres allotted to each such newdistrict.
(RSMo 1939 § 8730, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8081; 1919 § 10852
*Word "been" does not appear in original rolls.